Thursday, September 6, 2007

Web 2.0

This video takes much of the changing world of the Internet and shows exactly what all this change means for us. This change makes the Internet even more of a useful tool in the business world, but the change comes at a price. The cost of the new XML coding for web pages that makes them so much more useful exists in the workforce. The workforce must be proficient in using electronics. Web 2.0 is not the only aspect that is making huge strides in technology in the business world. Other technologies also contribute to today's ever-changing business world.

The implications of Web 2.0 are huge. Since Web 2.0 drastically made the Internet and electronic communication more widely used in business, being able and willing to use new technologies in today's business world is imperative. Those entering the workforce will have to know how to use the newest technologies as will the people in the existing workforce. The existing workforce will have to be willing to learn about new technologies such as Web 2.0 in order to maintain its jobs.

When the video says we will have to rethink everything, I think it is alluding to the constant changes business and technology undergo every day. Since these changes are happening so fast, we have to make quick adaptations and learn new technologies a lot. Almost no one in the workforce is exempt from adapting to these new technologies. Technology, such as Web 2.0, are making the business world more efficient and more effective.

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